About the Workshop
Create acrylic paintings on wood that are all your own! Through imagery creating exercises, generate ideas and content that reference your life and are meaningful to you. With a step by step process, you will find that composing and painting your creation is doable, enjoyable and rewarding.
Practice letting go of conventional structures, reference material, traditional ideas of realism pertaining to imagery, gravity, perspective, proportion, size relationships, etc. Allow the unexpected and intuitive to infuse your work.
Throughout the class there will be discussion, individual guidance, and I will be giving instructional demos.
This workshop will cover:
generating imagery
designing a strong composition
drawing then painting with economy of shape
brush techniques
painting in layers-from underpainting to transparent washes
adding details to refine your images
understanding value, contrast, and color harmony
engaging with a sense of play and openness
Throughout the class there will be discussion, individual guidance, and I will be giving instructional demos.
This class is open to all levels of experience.

About Alison O'Donoghue
I was born in Portland, Oregon and am living in Portland, Oregon Education: 1981-1984, I attended Portland State University, 1984- 1988, Pacific Northwest College of Art. Galleries: I began showing in galleries in 1989, and continued showing in Portland, Or, Seattle, WA, Bellingham, WA, Ashland, OR, Astoria, OR, Bainbridge Island, WA, Los Angeles, CA Teaching: In studio workshops, online classes through Sonheim Creative, a workshop at Northland Art in Port Townsend, WA, as well as several other workshops. Other Involvement: Sitka Art Invitational, 16 years. Art Festivals in Portland, OR, Salem, OR, Bellevue, WA. Murals: Salem Hospital, Ebay Portland.
Learn more about Alison on her website: www.aliorange.com
Instructor will provide:
• Notebook Paper and Sharpie pens for drawing exercises
• Masking tape
• Scissors
• White transfer paper
• Dust masks for sanding
• Electric sander for smoothing surface
• Sandpaper
• Hair Dryers to share
Available for purchase: Affordable round brushes I have selected, that hold a good point.
What students should bring:
Wood Painting Surfaces
Panel boxes from art supply stores or birch panel. Any sizes, rectangular or square. I suggest including one in the size range 18”, 20”, 24”, especially if you’d like to focus on one painting.
Round, flat or bright, and a mop. Round, sizes 3, 4, 5. Sable or synthetic. Flat or bright, synthetic is fine, a few sizes, including 2 larger, 1”-1.5” or larger, background and varnish. It is best to have one that is solely for varnish. Mop brush. 1’-1.5” for mopping transparent paint around. A 1.5" or 2" wide black foam brush for gesso.
Black is best, white is okay if you don’t bring black.
Disposable Pad Palette
OR several small white saucers or any size white plates to use as palettes.
White Watercolor Pencil
Aquarelle by Caran D’Ache is a quality brand, but there are many choices.
Heavy Body Acrylic Paint
I recommend Golden Paint brand. However, bring any brands you choose.
Palette suggestion:
Mars Black, Titanium White, Cadmium Red Dark, Pyrrole Red OR Pyrrole Red Light, Chromium Oxide Green and/or Permanent Green, Light Green, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Teal, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Yellow Ochre, Violet Oxide, Pyrolle Orange, or Cadmium Orange.
*note: I am selecting these for 1. Color and 2. Opacity, (many of these are more opaque than transparent, when painting over black this is helpful.) Additional to this suggestion, bring any other colors you like.
For a more standard color mixing palette, here is one Golden Paint Company recommends:
Benzimidazolone Yellow Light (warm yellow)
Benzimidazolone Yellow Medium (cool yellow)
Naphthol Red Light (warm red)
Quinacridone Magenta (cool red)
Phthalo Blue (Red Shade) (warm blue)
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) (cool blue)
Carbon Black
Titanium White
Hair Dryer for speeding paint drying time. If you don’t bring this, it’s okay, we can share.
Apron or Old Shirt
Paper towels and/or cotton rags
Gloss Polymer Varnish